
A lot of us found ourselves working from home this week. Although it may be fun at the beginning, this change can significantly impact your state of mind as well as the workflow of any project. 

For this reason, we decided to put together a list of tips and tricks to help you and your team stay productive while working remotely.



• Location: Set a workspace within your house dedicated to working. It helps you stay in "work mode" and will allow you to disconnect once you're done.

• Set boundaries: Create a schedule and stick to it. Being at home doesn't mean you should be working 24 hours a day. Take breaks, eat, stretch, go for a morning walk, or a jog after work. Remember that the outside world exists and give your mind a break!

• Daily routine: Treat everything the same way as if you were going to the office. Do you usually take showers in the morning? Then keep doing it. Do you wear your PJs to work? Probably not. So, get dressed and get ready to rock!

• Watch your tone: Be positive! You'll have a greater impact when you use a tone that makes the reader pay attention and enjoy what you are communicating. 

• Ask for help: Not sharing a physical space can also mean that people might not notice if you're struggling with a task. If you are, tell your colleagues about it and find solutions together!




• Overcommunicate: It can be tough to maintain a project remotely. So, everybody must communicate their moves! This will help to avoid conflicts, stick to goals, and ultimately reach them together.

• Videoconferencing:  Organize regular video conferences and make sure everyone is present. It doesn't matter if they are quick, what's important is to keep the squad updated and working towards their objectives!

• Set goals and manage expectations: Keep your eyes on the prize. Make sure everyone knows what the team's goals are and what is expected of them to make it happen!

• Check on your teammates: Make sure to check on your teammates from time to time and see how they're doing. Be a facilitator and let them know they can count on you if needed.

• Be organized:  Organization and processes are an integral part of efficient teamwork. For example, have a shared drive where everyone can access/create folders to organize their work. Or, use a project management system to organize and assign clear tasks to each team member. This can save you from a whole lot of time and trouble!

Ratloop Games Canada Team Videoconference

Working remotely can be daunting, but if you manage to follow some of our tips and tricks, you may find this change in environment more pleasant then expected. If you have questions, think we missed something or need a place to chat, join our Discord! You can also reach us through FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

Stay safe, everyone!

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